Between the mountains of laundry and my toddler’s sudden refusal to eat anything that isn’t shaped like a dinosaur, I’ve discovered that building DIY cat beds is my unexpected therapy. Our cat Whiskers needed something to call her own that wasn’t my clean laundry basket, and I wasn’t about to spend $50 on something she’d probably ignore in favor of the Amazon box it came in.

Cardboard Creations: Easy DIY Cat Bed Ideas

The Basic Cottage

Remember that diaper box you just emptied? Before tossing it, cut a cute doorway and maybe a window or two. I decorated ours with some leftover wrapping paper and—boom—instant cat bed DIY success. My 4-year-old insisted on adding a “welcome mat” made from an old placemat, and honestly? Whiskers approved.

A cute white cat inside a homemade cardboard cat bed.

Two-Story Townhouse

When the kids’ toy delivery arrived in two similar-sized boxes, I had a lightbulb moment. Stack them, cut a hole between floors, add a cardboard ramp, and suddenly you’re a pet architectural genius. These cat bed ideas DIY projects are saving my sanity and my credit card balance simultaneously.

A cat inside a two-story townhouse made of cardboard.

Cardboard Castle

Three words: diaper box turrets. Cut the bottom out of four toilet paper rolls, attach them to the corners of a box, add some triangular flags made from construction paper, and your royal feline will be impressed. File this under DIY cat bed easy projects you can finish during one Netflix episode.

A cat looking from the window of a cardboard-made cat castle.

Cardboard Sheet Projects

Corrugated Condo

If you’ve got flat cardboard sheets (hello, online grocery box sides), you can fold and tape them into a surprisingly sturdy little house. Pro tip: This is a perfect activity for that rainy Saturday when the kids are bouncing off walls and you’re one “I’m bored” away from losing it.

A cat inside a diy corrugated cardboard cat house.

Accordion Privacy Screen

Cut three cardboard panels the same size, tape them together accordion-style, and create a little private nook that can be adjusted to different configurations. I made this during naptime, which naturally meant my toddler woke up early and “helped” by testing if markers worked on both sides of the cardboard. They do.

A cat inside a private space made with three cardboard panels.

DIY Cat Cave

This one’s my pride and joy. Take a large cardboard sheet, roll it into a cone shape, tape securely, and cut out an entrance. Line with an old t-shirt you’ve been meaning to donate for two years. The cat immediately claimed it while ignoring the $15 cat bed I bought last month.

A cat's cave diy project made of cardboard.

Upcycled Wonders: DIY Cat Bed Ideas

Sweater Snuggle House

That shrunken sweater you accidentally put in the dryer? Cut off the arms, sew one end shut, stuff with old pillows or towels, and wire the other end open to create a cozy DIY cat cave bed. My cat sleeps in this while I’m still wearing sweaters with holes because “I’ll get around to mending them someday.”

A cat inide a cozy DIY cat cave bed made with a sweater.

DIY Basket Bed

That decorative basket that doesn’t actually hold anything useful? Add a pillow and suddenly it’s a DIY cat basket bed that looks Pinterest-worthy. I scored mine at a garage sale for $2, added an old throw pillow, and now my cat lounges in it like she’s royalty while I’m still using a decade-old pillow that’s shaped like a pancake.

A cat inside a basket which serves as a cat´s bed.

TV Cat Bed

When we upgraded our TV, I turned the old box-style one into a DIY TV cat bed by removing the internal components (safely!), adding a cushion, and painting the frame. Now Whiskers watches us from her “television” while we watch our actual TV. The irony isn’t lost on me.

A cat inside a vintage TV converted into a DIY TV cat bed.

Elevated Living: Wall & Hanging Cat Beds

DIY Wall Cat Bed

Last month during my 2AM Pinterest spiral, I mounted an old drawer to the wall, added cushioning, and created a DIY wall cat bed that keeps Whiskers off my counters (sometimes). My husband questioned my sanity until he saw how much commercial versions cost. Then he helped me make a second one.

A kitten inside a wall cat bed made from an old drawer.

Hanging Window Lounge

Using an old picture frame, some strong fabric, and hooks, I created a DIY hanging cat bed that suctions to our window. Whiskers gets sun, views, and I get my desk chair back. Win-win! Though explaining to virtual meeting colleagues why there’s a cat hanging behind me has become my new normal.

A cat inside a window hanging cat bed.

DIY Cat Swing Bed

Remember that macramé plant hanger I abandoned halfway through? Turns out it makes a perfect frame for a DIY cat swing bed. I added a small cushion inside and hung it in a corner. Now my cat gently sways while judging my life choices from above.

A kitten inside a hanging bed made from a macramé plant hanger.

Functional Spaces: Multi-Purpose Cat Beds

Nightstand Conversion

That old nightstand was heading for donation until I cut a hole in the side and added a cushion inside, creating a DIY cat bed nightstand that serves double duty. Now I have somewhere to put my phone at night AND Whiskers has a private bedroom below. Though sometimes she paws at my dangling arm at 5AM like it’s a cat toy.

A nighstand converted into a cat bed.

Outdoor Solutions

Weatherproof Hideaway

Using a plastic storage bin, I created a DIY outdoor cat bed by cutting an entrance, lining it with insulation, and securing it under our porch. Perfect for our neighborhood strays or when Whiskers decides she’s suddenly an “outdoor cat” for exactly 12 minutes.

A kitten inside a plastic storage bin used as a cat's bed.

Pallet Paradise

That random pallet my husband “rescued” from behind the grocery store (and has been tripping over for months) became a DIY pallet cat bed with some sanding, non-toxic paint, and cushions. It’s rustic-chic and cost exactly zero dollars, which is the sweet spot for my budget these days.

A kitten inside a DIY pallet cat bed.

Tire Cat Bed

When we replaced our car tires, I cleaned one thoroughly, painted it in bright colors, and added a waterproof cushion to make a DIY tire cat bed for the garden. The neighborhood cats hold meetings in it now, probably plotting world domination while I’m folding laundry.

A tire painted in bright colors with a cushion inside and which serves as bed for a cute white cat.

Quick Projects for Busy Days

DIY Cat Grass Bed

During my “I’m definitely going to start growing all our food” phase that lasted approximately eight days, I created a DIY cat grass bed by planting wheat grass in a shallow container around a central cushion. Whiskers gets fresh snacks and a place to nap. I get to pretend I have a green thumb.

A kitten inside a DIY cat grass bed.

DIY Raised Cat Bed

Using old furniture legs and a small wooden crate, I made a DIY raised cat bed that keeps Whiskers off the cold floor. It took 20 minutes, cost nothing, and somehow looks like something you’d pay $60 for at that fancy pet boutique downtown.

A cat resting on a DIY raised cat bed.

Simple Radiator Perch

During winter, I noticed Whiskers trying to balance on our narrow radiator for warmth. One old cutting board, some brackets, and a cushion later, I had created a cat radiator bed DIY that she practically lives on during cold months. Though explaining to guests why there’s cat bedding attached to our heating system has led to some interesting conversations.

An orange kitten resting on a cat radiator bed.

Last week, I found my cat ignoring all nine DIY houses scattered around our living room in favor of sleeping in an empty Amazon envelope. That’s motherhood in a nutshell—putting in creative effort only to be completely ignored. But those rare moments when she actually uses something I made? Pure gold.

If you’re like me and have more love than money (and possibly more cardboard than either), these cat bed ideas DIY projects are perfect weekend activities that let you feel accomplished even when the rest of your to-do list is laughing at you. Just don’t expect your cat to actually thank you—mine just throws up hairballs with slightly more enthusiasm now.

Looking for more purr-fect DIY ideas? Check out these fun and easy projects below—because one cat diy project is never enough!

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